In February 2023, Lucid Motors hosted a STEM Careers Workshop for Pinal County educators. The workshop focused on developing a Middle School STEM curriculum that exposes Casa Grande middle school students to careers at Lucid and within the STEM field. The workshop included five rotations for the teachers. Four contained hands-on activities where teachers learned about various engineering and production careers at Lucid. The fifth rotation was a Ride-Along in one of the Lucid Air vehicles.
STEM Careers Workshop
College and Career Readiness
Career Ready Tempe
Career Ready Tempe helps prepare and develop income-eligible high school juniors and seniors for the workforce by connecting them to college and career readiness support and partnering with Tempe businesses to provide paid internships in high-demand fields. Career Ready Tempe is a collaboration between the City of Tempe Human Services Department, Economic Development Department, and the Tempe Chamber Foundation. The program is funded by City of Tempe Innovation Funds and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Career Readiness Lab Grant. The program is strategically designed to align with industry needs and the initiatives of Achieve65Tempe, the City’s goal of 65 percent of Tempe’s adult population attaining a postsecondary certification or degree by 2030.
Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee
The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) is a leadership opportunity where students learn about the community and have opportunities to contribute and give feedback to Town of Gilbert leaders. Participants are asked to volunteer in a variety of capacities as well as assist the Town Council in identifying and finding solutions to complex topics impacting all our residents.
Gilbert Steps 2 Success
Steps 2 Success helps students obtain their high school diplomas from Gilbert Public Schools Alternative High School campus — Canyon Valley School. Teachers personalize education to meet the unique needs of the Town’s diverse students. Through individualized relationships, small class sizes, flexible schedules, and accelerated courses, Canyon Valley educators assist students in achieving their own success. Promoting self-worth, goal-setting, job readiness, and lifelong learning is at the core of the Steps 2 Success mission.
Tucson Steps to Success
The Steps to Success Initiative is a partnership between Tucson Unified School District and the City of Tucson Office of the Mayor to seek out and retrieve students who have dropped out of Tucson Unified School District. Through home visits, this partnership has allowed educational staff, city officials, and community members to visit with students and their families and encourage them to return and complete their high school education.
Created with input from teens and operated by the Phoenix Department of Parks and Recreation, PHXteens provides opportunities for youth to engage with their communities through consistent, unified programming at sites across the City. The initiative has produced a range of materials and resources that help facilitate youth engagement, including a mobile recreation van, promotional videos and posters, and an active social media presence.