The Youth Commission is a unique opportunity for teens to experience how a local government operates. Participants develop leadership skills through engagement with city officials and departments. The format helps students to express their voices on a variety of youth-related issues such as recreation opportunities, special events, and youth programming. The Youth Commission meets monthly and is open to entering and current high school students in Goodyear.
Goodyear Police Teen Academy
Each summer for one week, the Goodyear Police Department hosts its annual Teen Police Academy for high school students, ages 14 to 18. The Academy provides an inside look at law enforcement and is geared toward teens with an interest in criminal justice. Training is conducted by members of the Goodyear Police Department. Several topics are addressed during the four-day academy, including: processing mock crime scenes, firearms safety, criminal street gangs, drug awareness, K9, and SWAT/SAU.
Goodyear Fire Cadet Program
The Fire Cadet mentoring program is committed to partnering with volunteers to meet the needs of the department and community. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and hold a valid driver’s license. During the program cadets complete EMT certification, work 18 hours/month (10 ride-along and 8 service), and attend monthly hands-on drill sessions with mentors.
Program Benefits:
- Experience real life fire fighter shift work
- Assist with patient care
- Hands-on training in firefighting skills, Haz-Mat, Ladder Operations, and EMS
- Job testing skills (interviews, application/resume review, firefighter philosophy, etc.)
Superior Youth Entrepreneurial Academy
The Superior Enterprise Center hosts an Entrepreneurial Academy for students in grades 7-12 each summer to foster entrepreneurism and social impact.
Pima First, Sahuarita WINS!
This community-based initiative brings together representatives from K–12 and postsecondary education, business and industry, nonprofits, and the Town of Sahuarita to pursue a shared vision and leverage resources so that all students have access to college and career readiness programs and receive two years of paid tuition at Pima Community College. The initiative exemplifies the SUSD mission, “Working as a Team to Help Every Student Succeed.”
Sahuarita Times: Sahuarita WINS!
Workforce Center @ Mesa
Career seekers in the East Valley looking for employment and job skills training now have a new location to access these services, and much more, through the Workforce Center @ Mesa. The workforce services offered by Maricopa County are co-located in a facility where A New Leaf and the City of Mesa also offer programs, making this collaboration an example of a comprehensive service delivery model that provides local communities a valuable access point for a wide variety of services beyond employment support.